Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PROMISES…Dear Teacher

In an earlier post A Letter to the Teachers of My Children by Shelley at Teach Paperless, I made comments regarding a letter from parents to the teachers. Promises
Now here is a poem by Angela Maiers entitled:
Dear Teacher - The PROMISE Poem
by Angela Maiers
Dear Teacher,
Love me,
Make me feel special,
Make me feel included,
Make me feel valued,
Smile for me,
Tell me that you’re happy to see me,
Tell me that you’re happy to teach me,
Tell me that you’re happy I am here.
Involve me,
Tell me about our work together
Tell me how I can be of help and mean it genuinely
Notice me,
See all of me,
See my emotions, my laughter, my curiosity, my anticipation
See my right, and I will work on the “wrongs”
Teach me,
PLEEZE don’t just tell me what you know
Show me what I need to know,
Show me how to do it well
Help Me,
Help me when it gets hard,
Help me persevere,
Help me know it matters
Excite Me,
I came to you in love with learning
Keep me excited!
Show me the fun
Show me your fire and passion
Promise Me,
Promise me that you can.
Promise me that you will.
Promise me that you are ready to
Love me, help me, engage me, excite me, and teach me
I'm Ready
I want to learn.
I want to know.
I want to
be your student
I will return the favor
I will reward you with my attention, my focus, my heart
I will show you what I can do
I will show you who I can be
I know I could link back to her website to see the poem and only quote a few lines here, but I just love seeing it all laid out here together.

Besides, this way I can highlight the words I want to (as my regular readers know!)
Thanks Angela, this poem is a keeper for sure!
Do you write poetry or prose…
     … that tells your students…
         what you expect of them and…
                    what you will give them in return

Please let me see it.
Photo on Flickr by verrosassi4
[As always, in my author quotes, the underlines, color changes, and bold type is mine, not the author’s!]

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