Sunday, September 13, 2009

PPT2YOUTUBE.. making a flash movie

If you read yesterday’s post, PowerPoint into AuthorSTREAM, you will know what I am doing here… trying the competition’s way to insert a video into your blog. 

I think that this video might be too big for a blog.  The file is certainly much larger than the AuthorSTREAM file was and certainly bigger than the original PowerPoint File was. This file is 6 min 41 seconds long.

It is the same file that I used yesterday, but I made it into a MP4 file at 640 x 480 with 30 frames per second.  Those are the recommended statistics or parameters to make the best video.

When I inserted it into Windows Live Writer, where I have been composing my blog posts lately, it seemed to take a VERY long time, but perhaps it was being converted into UTube video style.  We will see how long it takes and if it is able to be posted to my blog, or if it will be too large. I think it took about 10 minutes or so to get it formatted into the Live Writer blog composer.

So, if you see a video, it is OK. If you do not see a video, go through to my actual blog if you are in a reader. Sometimes videos, etc. don’t show up in the reader.

I think it is working right, but I wonder when you look at my blog how long it will take to start.

This is so much fun!  You’d think I was a kid in a toy storeI AM!

Lifelong Learner! – that’s me!

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